
Thursday, 7 November 2013

PH4024 - Kant on Beauty...

4 categories of aesthetic experience
- The Agreeable
- The Good
- Beauty
- The sublime.
His ideas have been very influential

The Critique of Judgement

When a man judges beauty he judges not just for himself but for all men… unlike subjective tastes “this olive is delicious” well that could be different to many people… the olive being beautiful however? Would be a more objective thing, we would of thought.. or is it…
- Beauty is a subjective experience in someones mind, just like taste.
- However, we do not care if the beautiful thing is real or not [contestable] the physical object exists does it not
    The agreeable is what GRATIFIES a man; the beautiful what simply PLEASES him; the good what is ESTEEMED (approved), i.e., that on which he sets an objective worth.
- agreeable, linked to some desire like hunger or lust
- Something is good, linked to our moral judgement
- Beauty is free of these ties… more PURE, we are disinterested in the object itself.
We feel beauty immediately upon witnessing it

No conditions by logic can be placed upon the object… It’s beauty must be inherent to it and self-inherent.
- A sense of beauty must be universal.

When i pronounce something to be beautiful, I am not saying so for myself, but as something that is beautiful to everybody.

PROBLEMS: emotions and feelings can get in the way and bring impurity to ‘beauty’ …. But we can’t remove yourself from our feelings…
When we experience a beautiful object, it can only be beautiful as a complete thing its totality of form. Must be beautiful in itself, without thought to an end…. eg a car. without thought of how it drives
Beauty can be sensed by all of us, without need for communication. Its universal… But emotion and experience can deepen the beauty we feel…

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